Dr. Rasma Lazda

GN 520
(Renaissance and Baroque Literature)
Spring 2018

Frühe Neuzeit:
Die Entdeckung des 'Ich' und der Welt

Last update:

Office hours:

T 8:30 - 10:30; R 10:30 - 12:00 and by appointment.
Office: 220 BB Comer Ha
Phone: 348-6954; Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions: rlazda@ua.edu


Course wiki:

W 2:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
247 BB Come

Required Texts:
Johannes von Tepl, Der Ackermann. Frühneuhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch.  (RUB 18075)
Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff. Studienausgabe.  (RUB 18333)
Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen, Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch. (RUB 761)
All other texts will be made available online.

This course presents topics and literary works of importance from the early modern period from the German speaking countries. Specifically the works will cover authors and works typical of humanism, reformation, and baroque from the German speaking countries.
Prerequisite is the completion of at least GN 361 or GN 362, unless by special permission of the instructor.

The course strives to provide in-depth knowledge of the culture and emerging literary works of the early modern period. Students will also find about the major linguistic changes from Middle High German to Early New High German, and learn to read early modern print.
At the same time students will review and strengthen their German language skills by expanding vocabulary through the reading of higher level German texts.
At the end of this course students will have gained an understanding of the transition from the Middle Ages to the early modern period with all its revolutionary and breath taking changes as represented in German literary works from the time period. Students will also be able to read and communicate on a more advanced German level.

A variety of tools will help me to assess your progress in this course: transcription of early modern text, response papers, article reviews, a Power Point Presentation, and a research paper with a literary analysis will provide feedback on your performance in this course. 

Wiki entries, response papers, article reviews, course minutes,
PowerPoint Presentation
Essay 50%

Prepare to read a lot for this course. You will also have to present a PowerPoint, prepare a bibliography, write a book review and an essay. All assignments listed on the syllabus are to be prepared for the day they are listed. You will probably spend about four to six hours work outside of class for each class session. This includes preparing reading and writing assignments.

*Power Point Presentation 
You will prepare a Power Point presentation of about 15 - 20 minutes in length including a handout for all participants for your presentation. Your bibliography, as well as your research essay (schriftliche Hausarbeit) may be on that same topic.
Hints for your presentation:
*Be ready to talk for  20 minutes, run a test presentation in order to prepare for your actual Referat.
*You may not just read from the slides.
*Slides should be a backdrop for your presentation.
*Make use of photos, illustrations, maps etc. in your slides, but do not overdo it. Refrain from sound effects or other distracting features.
*Make sure that your presentation does not contain any spelling or grammatical errors.
*Make sure that your handouts contains all important information so it can serve all students in order to review for the final.

*Response Papers 
You will prepare a number of response papers on the readings. Please submit your response papers to the course wiki, so that all class members have access to them. Prepare your response paper by Monday, so that on Tuesday you can read all the response papers by others and leave a comment on the course wiki.
Hints for a response paper:
*A response paper is not a summary of what happened.
*A response paper is a reflection of your engagement with the text.
*A response paper is not an academic paper, but it should reflect secondary sources you have read on the subject.
*In general:
What points of view representative of the time period and its society can you detect in the text - what attitudes, values, concepts, and possibly belief systems do you recognize?
*What is your point of view on these aspects and why?
*How has this text possibly altered your own personal point of view regarding your initial reading of the text and possibly your understanding of the Early Modern period at large?

*Wiki Entries
You will prepare a number of wiki entries on important authors and works of the Early Modern period. You are encouraged to collaborate on the entries. You will have to reach all entries. Regard your wiki contributions as an active preparation for the final comprehensive exams. 

*Article or Book Review
You will write reviews of two scholarly articles / book or book chapters present on them briefly in class (no longer than 5 minutes). Every review has to fit on ONE page. List on the top the bibliographical entry of the work and upload to the Course Wiki.
Please familiarize yourself how to write a review. Consult an academic journal such as the  Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, or German Quarterly.

*Sitzungsprotokolle (Course Minutes)
You will prepare minutes for three class sessions. The minutes are due the following day (Thursday) by 6 pm at the latest. Please submit your minutes / Sitzungsprotokolle to the course wiki.
Why the early due date? Minutes are intended as a review tool. They are of no help to other students if they are posted too late. Minutes are prepared easiest and best by writing them directly after class.

Your schriftliche Hausarbeit (essay) will be a research paper on a topic you researched and has been approved by me. Please discuss ideas for your essay topic early on with me.

All your written assignments have to be typed using German characters: Please make sure that you use in your writing the appropriate German characters (ss for ß or ue for ü etc are not acceptable). If you need help how to type German characters, please consult this link.
Your essay should be between 14-18 pages in length (MLA Style follow this link to view a sample heading and a works cited page, double spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point font). You have to consult at least ten secondary sources (scholarly research articles / books). Scholarly articles accessed by means of the library web page are valid secondary sources (research articles). If you are not sure, please check with me. Submit your final essay via email AND as hard copy.

*Final exam
There will be NO final exam, rather regard your final essay as a cumulative learning experience for this course.

If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss any course accommodations that may be necessary.

If you have a disability, but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call (205) 348-4285 (Voice) or (205) 348-3081 (TTY) or visit 1000 Houser Hall to register for services. Students who may need course adaptations because of a disability are welcome to make an appointment to see me during office hours. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services, 1000 Houser Hall, before receiving academic accommodations.

All students in attendance at The University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University of Alabama expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. At the beginning of each semester and on examinations and projects, the professor, department, or division may require that each student sign the following Academic Honor Pledge: “I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved with cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation while enrolled as a student at The University of Alabama. I have read the Academic Honor Code, which explains disciplinary procedure resulting from the aforementioned. I understand that violation of this code will result in penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from the University.”

See the Code of Student Conduct for more information.

Written assignments must be original and completed by the student, without assistance. The use of electronic translator programs or services is strictly limited to their use as dictionaries to consult individual words or expressions. Any evidence of partially or fully translated material, including but not limited to whole sentences, paragraphs or longer sections is considered a violation of the Policy on Academic Misconduct, specifically as it relates to cheating; and may be subject to disciplinary action.

The University of Alabma committed to an ethical, inclusive community defines by respect and civility. The UAct website (http://www.ua.edu/uact) provides a list of reporting channels that can be used to report incidences of illegal discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, retaliation, threat assessment or fraud.

The guiding principle at The University of Alabama is to promote the personal safety of our students, faculty and staff during severe weather events. It is impossible to develop policies which anticipate every weather-related emergency. These guidelines are intended to provide additional assistance for responding to severe weather on campus.
UA is a residential campus with many students living on or near campus. In general classes will remain in session until the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Clearly, some students and faculty commute from adjacent counties. These counties may experience weather related problems not encountered in Tuscaloosa. Individuals should follow the advice of the National Weather Service for that area taking the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety. Whenever the National Weather Service and the Emergency Management Agency issue a warning, people in the path of the storm (tornado or severe thunderstorm) should take immediate life saving actions.
When West Alabama is under a severe weather advisory, conditions can change rapidly. It is imperative to get to where you can receive information from the National Weather Service and to follow the instructions provided. Personal safety should dictate the actions that faculty, staff and students take.

The Office of University Relations will disseminate the latest information regarding conditions on campus in the following ways:

Weather advisory posted on the UA homepage
Weather advisory sent out through UA Alerts to faculty, staff and students
Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA at 90.7 FM
Weather advisory broadcast over Alabama Public Radio (WUAL) at 91.5 FM
Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA-TV/WUOA-TV, and on the website at http://wvuatv.com/content/weather. WVUA-TV Home Team Weather provides a free service you can subscribe to which allows you to receive weather warnings for Tuscaloosa via e-mail or cell phone. Check http://wvuatv.com/content/free-email-weather-alerts for more details and to sign up for weather alerts.

In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. If you are in a building, please move immediately to the lowest level and toward the center of the building away from windows (interior classrooms, offices, or corridors) and remain there until the tornado warning has expired. Classes in session when the tornado warning is issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not yet begun will resume 30 minutes after the tornado warning has expired provided at least half of the class period remains.

UA's primary communication tool for sending out information is through its web site at www.ua.edu. in the event of an emergency, students should consult this site for further directions. Additional course information will be posted using Blackboard Learn.



10. Januar

1. Von der Höhle auf den Berg

Platon, Das Höhlengleichnis;
Petrarca, Die Besteigung des Mont Ventoux;

Regeln und Probleme des Textverstehens: Hermeneutik Lesen: 1. Grundbegriffe der Hermeneutik (Uni Essen); 
Hermeneutics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Hermeneutics)

17. Januar

2. Leben und Tod

Oswald von Wolkenstein,
Ich spür ain tier (um 1420/30);

Johannes von Tepl,
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen,

Kap. I-XXII;

zum Ackermann (WimmerAnthology of Medieval German Literature);

Überblick: Spätmittelalter;

Angelo Branduardi,
Ballo in fa diesis minore

Rolling Stones,
Dancing with MisterD.

24. Januar

3. Leben und Tod / An der Wende

Johannes von Tepl,
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen
Kap. XXIII-XXXIV (Ende);

Ein Werk an der Wende; zum Ackermann

Diphtongierung (hören 1:49);
Fabian Frangk: Über die Dörinzer und Harzländer (hören 1:14);
Mononphtongierung (hören 4:19);

Woraus hat sich der Totentanz entwickelt?;

Totentänze in der Weltliteratur;
31. Januar

4. An der Wende

Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff;

Überblick: Rennaissance und Humanismus;

Christoph Walter: Schreibung gleichlautender Wörter (hören 1:33);
Sprachwandel Morphologie (hören 1:45);
Bildung, Humanismus Latein vs. Deutsch (hören 2:25);
Konjunktionen und Präpositionen (hören 1:25);
Syntax (hören 1:45);

7. Februar

5. An der Wende

Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff;

14. Februar

6. An der Wende

Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff;

21. Februar

7. An der Wende

Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff;

28. Februar

8. Handel und Reisen
Balthasar Springer

7. März

9. Gott und Ich - Humanismus, Reformation

Martin Luther, Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen;
Über das Schreyberamt; Von den Juden und ihren Lügen;
Diane PPT

Sebastian Münster

21. März

10. Selbstbewusstes Ich in der Stadt

Hans Sachs, Hans Folz, Schwänke (In Kurswiki, Materialien)
Michael, Annika PPT

28. März

11. Das Ich und die Welt - Reiseerfahrungen

Sebastian Münster, Cosmographei
Ann-Sophie PPT

4. April

12. Das Ich auf der Suche

Historia von D. Johann Fausten
Gaby PPT

11. April

13. Verlorenes Ich? Der 30jährige Krieg und die Suche nach Ordnung

Paul Gerhard
Andreas Gryphius
Martin Opitz
Lisa, Berni PPT

18. April

14. Verlorenes Ich? Der 30jährige Krieg und die Suche nach Ordnung

Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen

25. April

15. Verlorenes Ich? Der 30jährige Krieg und die Suche nach Ordnung

Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen

Das Höhlengleichnis
Das Höhlengleichnis (106 a. b. c.); Allegory of the Cave  
Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch)
Die Besteigung des Mont Ventoux (1336)
The Ascent of Mount Ventoux (Medieval Sourcebook)
Johannes von Tepl (von Saaz) (1342/50 - um 1414)
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen (Bibliotheca Augustana);
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen (Projekt Gutenberg);
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen Codex Palatinus germanicus 76 (UB Heidelberg);
Der Ackermann aus Böhmen (engl.)
zum Ackermann (WimmerAnthology of Medieval German Literature);
Ein Werk an der Wende; zum Ackermann
  Lübecker Totentanz (1463)  
  "Oberdeutscher Totentanz", Heidelberger Blockbuch (~1460-1465)  
  Heidelberger Totentanz, nicht nach 1488  
Sebastian Brant (1458 - 1521)
Das Narrenschiff
Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff (Bibliotheca Augustana); Biografie Brants, Illustrationen des Narrenschiffs;
Ship of Fools info and all woodcuts (U of Houston Libraries)
Ship of Fools, London: 1509. (Info, Glasgow U Library Special Collections Department);
Hans Volz (1435 - 1512)    
Hartmann Schedel
Littaw; Littaw 2; Preussen; Von Bayrnland 1; Von Bayrnland 2; Karte Deutschland; (Schedelsche Weltchronik) Illustrationen der Weltchronik
Albrecht Dürer
(1471 - 1528)
Von der menschlichen Proportion;
Johannes Brentz
http://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/dda/urn/urn_uba000200-uba000399/uba000318/. 1537 (pdf zum Herunterladen) Türkenkriege;
(1493 - 1541)
Volumen Medicinae Paramirum;
Archidoxis Theophrastiae;
Das Zürcher 
Karin Stukenbrock:
"Der zerstückte Cörper". Zur Sozialgeschichte der anatomischen Sektionen in der frühen Neuzeit (1650-1800);
Walter Hermann Ryff
Ein newer Albertus Magnus : von Weibern und Geburten der Kinder sampt jren Arzneien, von tugenten etlicher fürnemer Kreuter. Von Krafft der Edlen Gestein. Von Art und Natur etlicher Thier. Mit sampt eim bewehrten Regiment für die Pestilenz. Alles von newem gebessert Durch Q. Apollinarem;
Die Groß Chirurgei, Titelblatt; Ralf Vollmuth, Das anatomische Zeitalter. Die Anatomie der Renaissance von Leonardo da Vinci bis Andreas Vesal;
Martin Luther
(1483 - 1546)
An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation (1520);
Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen (1520);
Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen (1530);
Von den Juden und ihren Lügen (1543);
Martin Luther und die deutsche Sprache;
Sebastian Münster
(1489 - 1552)
Cosmographei (1550)  

Hans Staden

Warhaftige Historia vnd beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der Wilden / Nacketen / Grimmigen Menschenfresser Leuthen / in der Newenwelt America gelegen (1557);
Hans Sachs
(1494 - 1576)

Die Insel Bachi; Das Schlaraffenland;
Ein Tischzucht; Sankt Peter mit der Geiß;
Eulenspiegel mit dem blauen Hosentuch u. dem Bauern; Das Kälberbrüten;
Der farendt Schuler im Paradeiß;

Sebastian Franck
(1499 - 1542)
Heinrich Kramer lat. Institoris (1430 -1505) / Jakob Sprenger (1435-1495) Malleus Malleficarum - Der Hexenhammer (lat. Ausgabe 1519)
Hexenhammer, Auszug deutsch (pdf);
Quellentexte zur Hexenverfolgung;
Malleus Malleficarum (engl. transl.)
Georg Wickram
(um 1505 - vor 1562)
Das Rollwagenbüchlin
Das Rollwagenbüchlin (Bibliotheca Augustana)  

Johann Fischart (1546 - 1590)
Affentheurlich Naupengeheurliche Geschichtsklitterung

Geschichtsklitterung, Kap. 3 (Bibliotheca Augustana)  
Das Volksbuch von Dr. Faust
(um 1580)
Historia von D. Johann Fausten (Bibliotheca Augustana);
Historia (engl.)
The Historical Faustus / Der geschichtliche Faustus
Jean Bodin
De la Démonomanie - Vom Außgelasnen Wütigen Teuffelsheer, trans. Johann Fischart (1591) Jean Bodin;
  Appellationsschrift der Verwandten der 1588 verstorbenen Dorstener Bürgermeistersfrau Margareta Burich, gerichtet an das Reichskammergericht (1594)   
Anton Praetorius
Von Zauberey vnd Zauberern gründlicher Bericht (1602); Anton Praetorius;
Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld (1591-1635) Cautio criminalis oder rechtliches Bedenken wegen der Hexenprozesse (1631) dt. Übersetzung pdf  
Friedrich Johannes Kepler
(1571 - 1630)
Gründtlicher Bericht Von einem vngewohnlichen Newen Stern (1604);  
Martin Opitz
(1597 - 1639)

Buch von der Deutschen Poetery

Otto von Guericke
(1602 - 1686)
Paul Gerhardt
(1607 - 1676)
Andreas Gryphius
(1616 - 1664)
Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen
(1621/22 - 1676)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(1646 - 1716)
Unvorgreiffliche Gedancken, betreffend die Ausübung und Verbesserung der Teutschen Sprache (~1697)  
Bertolt Brecht Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder  
Max Frisch
(1911 - 1991)
Homo faber (1957) zu Homo faber;
Günter Grass
(1927 - )
Die Blechtrommel (1959) Günter Grass (wikipedia);
Blechtrommel, Inhalt;
Daniel Kehlmann
(1975 - )
Die Vermessung der Welt (2005) Daniel Wittstock, "Die Welt und ihre Risse" - Kleistpreis für Daniel Kehlmann (Die Welt, 16.12.2006); Interview mit. D. Kehlmann, "Ich wollte schreiben wie ein verrückt gewordener Historiker" (FAZ, 09.02.2006);

Hans Blumenberg
LEO Deutsch-Englisch-Deutsch
Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, ausführlichstes Wörterbuch zur deutschen Sprache
Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch von Matthias Lexer
Mittelhochdeutsche Wörterbuch von Georg Friedrich Benecke, Wilhelm Müller und Friedrich Zarncke (=BMZ)
Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch ausgezeichnetes Wörterbuch, besonders für Fachsprachen
Was ist die deutsche Sprache? CD- 2, Frühneuhochdeutsch (Prof.Dr. Karl-Dieter Bünting, Uni Essen) Klicken und hören!

Sprachwandel Überblick der wichtigsten Lautveränderungen
Literatur des Mittelalters (750 -1500) Epochenübersicht
Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters erster Überblick
Kursmaterialien zur Seite oben vermittelt Grundlagen
Literaturgeschichte des Mittelalter ein kurzer Überblick (Spickzettel)
Digitalisierte Handschriften (u.a. Ackermann aus Böhmen)
Humanismus, Renaissance, Reformation
"Einführung in die europäische Geschichte der Neuzeit 1492-1992" - Teil I: 1492-1815 (Vorlesung SS 1999)

FRÜHE NEUZEIT: Europa im 16. Jahrhundert
Quellenautopsien Datenbank: Europäische Geschichte Historisches Seminar München
Early Maps mit Regina Europa
Druckgraphische Buchillustrationen des 15. Jh. hervorragende Quelle für Illustrationen
Media History Timeline, 1400 - 1599
Erfinder und Meister
Hexenforschung von historicum.net mit vielen nützlichen Links
Hexenwahn Ausstellung vom Deutschen Historischen Museum

Literaturepochen (Literaturwelt) ausführlicher guter Überblick
Literaturepochen (Vocke) kürzer
Literarische Epochen von 1600 bis 1933 (Xlibris) ausgezeichnet und ausführlich, leider erst ab 1600
Deutsche Biographie informiert ausführlich über bedeutende Personen, die vor 1900 verstorben sind

Nationalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Nationalism)
Theories of Nationalism:
Die Nation - zur Entstehung eines folgenreiches Konstruktes;
Five Approaches to Nationalism;

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